This department manages and monitors all laboratory activities and assuring they meet with the set up regulations and operate within frame work of national and international standards
- Ensure implementation of Quality Management System and Laboratory Accreditation Requirements by all departments of the Agency;
- Advise Chief Government Chemist on all matters related to Quality Assurance and management of risks and its internal controls;
- Assess the departments risk analysis and implement mitigation measures accordingly;
- Validate and review analytical methods and SOPs for analysis of chemical, chemical products, cosmetics, food, food products, pharmaceuticals, DNA samples, forensic samples, environmental samples and occupational health;
- Facilitate and monitor Proficiency Testing (PT) program on matters relating to functions of the Agency;
- Oversee preparation of technical specifications for purchase of equipment, glassware, reference standards, culture media, chemicals, reagents, and consumables;
- Coordinate and conduct internal and external quality audits;
- Coordinate periodic quality management reviews;
- Manage quality management system documentation;
- Monitor and review compliance with national and international standards and legislation;
- Support development, implementation, approval and keep in custody the CGCLA standard Operating Procedures;
- To Design and implement an overall risk management process with risk audit Standard Operating Procedures for the Agency;
- Establish, maintain and update risk register; and
Coordinate incorporation of Risk Management activities into other operational processes including Strategic planning, annual planning and budgeting

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Our Location
Chief Government Chemist Laboratory
Bububu Road, Maruhubi Unguja
P.O.Box 759, Zanzibar
+255 24 2238123 Unguja
FAX: +255 24 2238124
Chake Chake, Pemba
P.O.Box 201, Pemba
+2556797707177, Pemba
Bububu Road, Maruhubi Unguja
P.O.Box 759, Zanzibar
+255 24 2238123 Unguja
FAX: +255 24 2238124
Chake Chake, Pemba
P.O.Box 201, Pemba
+2556797707177, Pemba
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