Department of administration, human resources, planning, policy and research.


  1. Providing administrative and operational services;
  2. Dealing with various Human Resources issues such as training, performance evaluation, service delivery contract, salaries and other employee entitlements, etc.;
  3. Coordinating the planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the Agency’s work;
  4. Provide guidance and expertise during the preparation of plans, implementation indicators (key performance indicators) as well as information on the implementation of the Agency’s work;
  5. Prepare a system and structure for the collection of information and implementation reports;
  6. Collecting various information, doing analysis, and identifying various issues that should be included in the Agency’s statistics;
  7. Prepare a monitoring system and provide expert advice on its implementation;
  8. To evaluate the implementation of various plans and programs and identify their results;
  9. Prepare a report on the implementation of the Division and submit it to the Chief Chemist.

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Chief Government Chemist Laboratory
Bububu Road, Maruhubi Unguja
P.O.Box 759, Zanzibar
+255 24 2238123 Unguja
FAX: +255 24 2238124
Chake Chake, Pemba
P.O.Box 201, Pemba
+2556797707177, Pemba
President's office and Chairman of the Revulutionary Council, Zanzibar
The United Republic of Tanzania
House of Representative
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Chief Government Chemist Laboratory
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