The Directorate will be led by director and will perform the following functions under Chemical and Environmental Division: –

  1. To support research and innovation within the Agency by availing testing services of chemicals, chemical products, and environmental samples for the purpose of safeguarding public health and the environment.
  2. To prepare, implement and review of the Standard Operating Procedures for analysis of chemicals, chemical products, and environmental samples.
  • Process registration of chemicals, chemical products, chemical dealer and chemical storage facilities;
  1. To develop, validate and review analytical methods for analysis of chemicals, chemical products, and environmental laboratories;
  2. To prepare technical specifications for purchase of laboratory glassware, reference standards, chemicals and reagents, reference books and consumables;
  3. To participate in Proficiency Testing (PT) Schemes to facilitate accreditation of the analytical methods;
  • To conduct regular and emergency inspection, sampling and laboratory analysis of chemicals, chemical products and environmental samples on matters of national or public interest:
  • To provide Training and human capacity development on mater related to chemicals, chemical products, and environment laboratories activities;
  1. To provide consultation,scientific advice and advisory services on matters related to chemicals, chemical products, and environment laboratories activities;
  2. To carry out Quality Control Monitoring and Surveillance in water and waste water treatment facilities, pollution sources, geological sites and chemical substances; and
  3. To assess the departmental risk, analysis and implement mitigation measures accordingly.

The Division will perform the following activities: –

  1. Process registration of chemicals, chemical products, chemical dealer and chemical storage facilities;
  2. Prepare certificates of registration and provisional clearance of chemical dealers;
  3. Prepare certificates or license of registration for chemicals, chemical products, chemical dealer and chemical storage facilities;
  4. Prepare, maintain and facilitate publication of a register for chemical producers, importers, exporters, transporters, dealers, waste disposal facilities and all chemicals stating whether registered, provisionally, cleared, restricted or prohibited chemicals;
  5.   Coordinate implementation of the Minamata Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions, Montreal Protocol and Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management;
  6. Coordinate Development and implementation of chemicals policies, research or program nationally and internationally;
  7. Prepare inspection plans, guidelines and checklist for chemicals, chemical products and chemical laboratories inspection;
  8. Coordinate or conduct inspection to chemicals producers, importers, exporters, transporters or dealers in any way;
  9. Coordinate or conduct inspection to chemicals, chemical products and chemical laboratories;
  10. Coordinate, manage and control the importation, production, transportation, dealing, storage and disposal of chemicals and chemical products;
  11. Coordinate Emergence Response Committee (ERC) meetings on chemicals;
  12. Conduct public awareness campaigns on the sound management of chemicals and chemical products;
  13. Conduct special training and cause to be gazetted chemicals and chemical laboratories inspectors;
  14. Propose regulations and areas for review on matters related to chemicals, chemical products and chemical laboratories; and
  15. Monitor the compliance with the provisions of the Industrial and Consumer chemicals regulations, 2014. and Chief Government Chemist Laboratory Agency Act No. 10 of 2011.

The Division will perform the following activities: –

  1. Carry out chemical analysis of water and waste water, sediment, soil, hazardous wastes, pesticides, detergents, disinfectants, chemicals and their products;
  2. Prepare, implement and review Standard Operating Procedures for chemicals, chemical products and environmental laboratory analysis;
  • Develop, validate and review analytical methods of sampling and chemical analysis of environmental samples including drinking water, surface water, waste water, sediment, soil, hazardous wastes, industrial and consumer chemicals and products;
  1. Implement Quality Management System and laboratory accreditation requirements;
  2. Develop guidelines and standard procedures for management and disposal of obsolete chemicals and chemical wastes;
  3. Participate in Proficiency Testing (PT) Schemes to facilitate accreditation of the laboratory analytical methods;
  • Provide scientific advice and advisory services on matters related to environmental laboratory activities;
  • Conduct applied research on matters related to chemicals and their products, environmental safety, occupational health and safety issues;
  1. Interpret and review analytical results and prepare reports of laboratory findings/results for use in the court of law or elsewhere;
  2. Carry out Quality Control Monitoring and surveillance in water and waste water treatment facilities, pollution sources, geological sites and chemical substances;
  3. Conduct regular and emergency inspection, sampling and chemical laboratory analysis of environmental samples, chemicals and chemical products on matters of national or public interest;
  • Prepare technical specifications for purchase of laboratory instruments, chemicals and reagents, reference standards, reference books and consumables; and
  • Assess the Environmental Laboratory Section risk, analysis and implement mitigation measures accordingly.

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Chief Government Chemist Laboratory
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Chake Chake, Pemba
P.O.Box 201, Pemba
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Chief Government Chemist Laboratory
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